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Educational Outreach

Education is available to any group, school or organization in Prince William County. Topics include Litter Awareness, Recycling and Storm Drain Protection. From SOL-geared lesson plans to booths at community expos, KPWB utilizes a variety of mixed media to educate our citizens about their environmental impact and the steps they can take to a more sustainable lifestyle. Presentations are a minimum of 15 minutes, but typically run 1 hour while expo’s typically last 3—5 hours.

Available opportunities are posted for signup on the KPWB website and social media sites.

  • Educators train with KPWB staff on community environmental issues.
  • Booth Support assists Educators on events where more than one volunteer is necessary.
    KPWB provides display materials, games and giveaways.
  • Report number of volunteer hours, attendees and provide photos upon event completion of event.

Education is the foundation for responsible, individual action toward our environment. Keep America Beautiful research provides that the key to encouraging positive behaviors toward community improvement is education. Participating individuals acquire changing attitudes and behaviors by learning about important environmental issues where we live. Through education, we achieve clean, safe and sustainable communities.