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Environmental organizations are institutions that seek to understand and analyze the environment, in order to better protect and preserve it for future generations.  Pollution, waste management, climate change and resource depletion are all relevant topics to such organizations and the people behind them.  All of these issues relate to each and every one of us, as we are all inhabitants of Planet Earth and share the same expansive backyard.  Environmental organizations give these issues a sounding board, find an audience for them and provides a means of execution to a problem.  Keep Prince William Beautiful, Inc. (KPWB) is one of these organizations.


KPWB is a non-profit, community environmental organization that serves Prince William County, Virginia.  Our goal is to prevent littering, facilitate community beautification and to educate citizens on proper waste habits through partnering with residents, businesses and government to educate and inspire people to be environmental stewards and Keep Prince William Beautiful.  KPWB strives to enhance community awareness of the hazards and costs of littering, while involving citizens in solutions to waste and litter problems.  Our vision for Prince William County is one that ensures we are a premiere community that attracts residents, businesses and tourists; that has a strong community engagement and pride; and creates a clean, beautiful, sustainable environment for future generations.


Organized in 1982 as a simple spring cleanup effort, the founding members of the Litter Control Council quickly recognized the importance of education to long-term success.  Once formed, the organization quickly became a state award winning organization with over 14,000 volunteers in Prince William County.  Still a staple in the community,  The Litter Control Council became the Prince William Clean Community Council (PWCCC) in 1988 to include recycling in their programming.  After a rigorous certification process, the PWCCC became a certified affiliate of Keep America Beautiful (KAB), the undisputed authority on litter prevention issues throughout the world. In the spring of 2012 the PWCCC reorganized and rebranded itself once again to Keep Prince William Beautiful (KPWB)  expanding its current mission and vision to encompass the needs of the community. The organization now administers several year-round comprehensive programs and community beautification encouraging community involvement and environmental education and stewardship.  Constantly growing and evolving, we are proud to be aligned with both an award winning green community and national network of over 1000 other environmental community organizations.


KPWB’s seven programs span the issues of litter removal and education, recycling education and water quality improvement. Our Adopt-A-Spot Program is probably the most well known and gives the community a chance to take individual ownership of their neighborhood, street or local hang-out.  The Litter Survey Program serves as a checks and balances of the presence of litter in the community and provides data from which we can tailor and execute our Community Cleanup and Beautification Programs.  Our Storm Drain Labeling and Shopping Center Programs are two of the most integral services we provide, considering the high volume, retail-oriented nature of Prince William County.  Lastly, KPWB’s Educational Outreach Program offers education on the topics of recycling, litter and storm drain health to civic associations, community groups and classrooms.
Keep Prince William Beautiful is contingent upon thousands of selfless, dedicated volunteers each year whose efforts make it possible to produce such exemplary results, while maintaining all seven programs.  Whether you’re an individual, an organization or a corporate group, KPWB provides incredible volunteer opportunities, both one-time and ongoing, to suit any personality or need.   While there are a few paid staff members, volunteers and volunteer interns answer the phones, direct our marketing and host the educational outreach for our community programs.  Visit to find out how you could join our team!