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Whether it is with your Adopt-A-Spot or during a Community Cleanup, Keep Prince William Beautiful can lend your clean-up crew with supplies!


Many organizations, families and groups have taken this opportunity to beautify their neighborhoods and Prince William County.

KPWB cannot thank you enough for your hard work!

However, the materials are recycled for future cleanup events (either KPWB hosted or by individuals within the community) and must be returned after your cleanup is finished so others can also beautify their neighborhoods. Unfortunately, KPWB currently does not have the resources to allow individuals to keep grabbers, vests or gloves.

Nonetheless, if you would like to host another cleanup after you return our supplies, we would be more than happy to keep the lending cycle going!

So check inside your closets, car trunks, sheds to see if you may have accidentally kept any KPWB supplies and drop them off at our office during the week, 8:30AM-4:30PM (4391 Ridgewood Center Drive, Suite F, Prince William, Virginia 22192)


Thank you to all of the individuals, groups and families who dedicate their time to Keep Prince William Beautiful!