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Earth Day Celebration in Historic Haymarket

By April 20, 2015No Comments

On Saturday, April 11th, PR Intern Michael Cunningham and volunteer Nicholas DeFilippis attended the 2015 Earth Day Celebration in Historic Haymarket, Virginia.  The day began at 8am and ended at 12pm and consisted of educational booths from local vendors and environmental groups aimed at preserving our natural resources and cleaning up our community.  Just after we finished setting up the KPWB booth, dozens of ecstatic children began showing up, running from booth to booth.  An event-wide scavenger hunt allowed the kids to work with the volunteer staff and vendors to produce the answers, keeping them engaged and inquisitive.  While the kids were busy answering eco-friendly questions to spin for prizes, we were able to inform the parents of KPWB’s mission statement, the events we attend and facilitate, and the type of change we hope to affect.  At the end of the day we provided Educational Outreach to at least 45 adults and 45 children, while signing up interested parties for our forthcoming KPWB newsletter.






