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The BioBlitz movement is a unique way to show your support for the outdoors and the environment. In order to celebrate the centennial, the National Parks Service (NPS) started hosting this event at hundreds of parks in the United States and around the world, encouraging scientists, families, students, teachers, and communities to come together in an attempt to establish an overall count of the different species of wildlife in a certain area. Not only is this information useful for the NPS, but other biologists also require biodiversity data in order to conduct research regarding changing trends in species abundances and dispersal boundaries.

John Griffith of the California Conservation Corps came up with the “BioBlitz Dance”, a fun and comical way to incorporate a little friendly competition into the event. The dance features amusing moves with appropriate names such as “The Black Bear”, “The Turkey Vulture”, and “The Ground Squirrel” – all of which are pretty easy to learn. Different environmental and conservationist groups from all over the U.S. and the world record themselves performing the dance (which can be found here: in national parks and submit them online. The NPS has a two-day Biodiversity Festival on the National Mall in Washington D.C. which exhibits many science-oriented projects, arts, and events; spectators can even vote for the best BioBlitz Dance submission! The dance is a great idea for contributing to environmental sciences and having a good time while doing it – the results are rather hilarious, as well.

Some entertaining dance submissions are below:

If you are from the D.C. area and interested in attending the Biodiversity Festival, more information can be found here:



Griffith, John. (2015). “Learn the Moves of the BioBlitz Dance.” National Geographic. URL:

Griffith, John. “Bio Blitz Dance Competition.” Club Heal The Bay. URL:

(2016). “BioBlitz.” Piedmont Wildlife Center.  URL:

(2016). “BioBlitz 2016.” National Geographic. URL: